7 sexiest curly hairstyles for men

7 sexiest curly hairstyles for men

HomeHow to, Other Content7 sexiest curly hairstyles for men

There is nothing sexier than a man confidently rocking a great, stylish hairstyle. Curls are back in style and it's time to embrace your natural texture! And if you don't have naturally curly hair, don't worry; even naturally straight hair can be transformed to create texture and curls. Check out these trendy curly hairstyles that are sure to turn heads wherever you go.

7 sexiest hairstyles for guys with curly hair

This hairstyle can be seen on male models on catwalks all over the world, so it is the perfect hairstyle for fashion-conscious men. The look is ideal for guys who want to stray from the normal, everyday short hairstyles, and instead embrace their natural texture and curls. To get the most volume from your curls, use an anti-frizz product with some hold and scrunch your curls while drying your hair with a diffuser.

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Even though Harry Styles chopped off his long messy curls (RIP beloved locks), the shoulder-length hair trend is still in style. It may take a while to grow out, but the look is well worth the wait. The super long curly hair is a showstopper and guaranteed to impress. In fact, it's so easy to create a messy look once your hair reaches the right length.

7 sexiest curly hairstyles for men.
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