An introduction to desktop publishing

An introduction to desktop publishing

HomeHow to, TechAn introduction to desktop publishing

Desktop publishing is the use of computers and software to create visual representations of ideas and information. Desktop publishing documents may be intended for desktop or commercial printing or electronic distribution, including PDF, slide shows, email newsletters, e-books, and the Web.

Introduction to Desktop Publishing

Desktop publishing is a term coined after the development of a specific type of software. It involves using that software to combine and rearrange text and images to create digital files for print, online display, or websites. Before the invention of desktop publishing software, the tasks associated with desktop publishing were performed manually by people who specialized in graphic design, typography, and prepress tasks.

With desktop publishing software and hardware you can:

In the 80s and 90s, desktop publishing was almost exclusively for print. Today, desktop publishing is much more than just print publishing. It’s publishing as PDFs or eBooks. It’s publishing on blogs and designing websites. It’s designing content for multiple platforms, including smartphones and tablets.

An introduction to desktop publishing.
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