Google Photos Collections Replaces Library

Google Photos Collections Replaces Library

HomeHow to, TechGoogle Photos Collections Replaces Library

The Library tab in Google Photos is getting a makeover. From now on, the space will be called “Collections” and will still contain many of the same options as before, such as albums, locked folders, favorites, and more.

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But the change isn’t just in the name. Google has moved things around so that their organization makes more sense. Most of the tools that used to be under the Utilities folder now live at the bottom in Collections. Some of them also appear at the top under Suggestions. But private folders like the Locked folder remain at the bottom and out of sight—you know, the way they always should have been.

Google has also made finding content easier with separate folders for “Documents,” “People & Pets,” photos and videos, “On this device,” and even one for “Places.” All of your albums are also housed in their own “Albums” folder.

Previously, more than half of the Library tab’s screen real estate was reserved for individual albums. With Collections, you’ll find most of your content organized intelligently, automatically, and in one place. It also helps keep Google Photos tabs a little less cluttered with options you don’t use often.

Google Photos Collections Replaces Library.
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