Hydrogen cars are cool and not ready yet

Hydrogen cars are cool and not ready yet

HomeHow to, TechHydrogen cars are cool and not ready yet

There are two great cars on the market that I have to tell people not to buy: the Kia Nexo and the Toyota Mirai. Both are solid vehicles. Neither has any issues with handling, technology, comfort levels, or even space. The only issue is also the biggest hurdle and the biggest selling point: both are powered by hydrogen.

This is why hydrogen cars are not the future❗️ #shorts

On paper, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles seem like the perfect solution to our climate crisis problems. They fill up as quickly as a gasoline-powered car and their only emission is water. Water you can drink if you want, but I wouldn’t recommend it; I even tasted the water that spouted out of the Toyota Mirai. Unfortunately, no fuel stations have been built to make these vehicles available outside of Northern and Southern California and parts of New England.

Not only can you not fill up these vehicles in most parts of the United States, you also can’t actually buy or lease them outside of the geographic areas listed above. Not that you’d want to. Because while you can potentially charge an EV anywhere with an outlet, once a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle gets out of its comfort zone it essentially becomes an expensive hunk of metal, glass, and plastic.

Toyota has been pushing hydrogen for years. The automaker has partnered with companies to build out the infrastructure, but hasn’t done much financially to make it happen. That’s understandable; it’s a car company, not a fuel company. Sure, Volkswagen has Electrify America, but putting electric charging stations in a parking lot is probably a lot easier than installing pressurized tanks and figuring out a delivery system to refill them so drivers can keep driving their Toyota Mirais.

Hydrogen cars are cool and not ready yet.
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