Prioritize your tasks with the ABC method

Prioritize your tasks with the ABC method

HomeHow toPrioritize your tasks with the ABC method

Prioritizing your to-do list is essential to getting everything done. You need to make sure you make enough time for the hard and important tasks, but also leave room for the small tasks. Try the ABC method to categorize your responsibilities for the day.

How to Prioritize Tasks at Work | ABCDE Prioritization Technique

Categorizing your tasks based on need, timeline, and time required to complete them is important. That’s why some people use the Eisenhower Matrix and others overload their Google Calendars. One of the simplest methods was devised by Alan Lakein, an author known for his classic books on time management, such as How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life. He suggested assigning priority statuses in terms of “A,” “B,” and “C” to everything you need to do:

“A” items are “must-do” tasks that are important or critical and have a tight deadline.

“B” tasks are “must-do,” meaning they are medium priority, will be important over time, but have no looming deadline.

Prioritize your tasks with the ABC method.
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