Story Portraits uses AI to bring photos of loved ones to life

Story Portraits uses AI to bring photos of loved ones to life

HomeHow to, TechStory Portraits uses AI to bring photos of loved ones to life

GoodTrust, an end-of-life planning platform, has just announced a service that uses tech to add audio and animation to photos of deceased loved ones.

History brought to life with AI magic

It’s called Story Portraits and it uses AI to animate photos to “bring them to life,” complete with a vocal track of your choice. GoodTrust is a digital legacy company, so the use case scenario here is creating animated portraits of deceased loved ones, with the audio track adding even more sentimentality.

The AI used in this service, however, processes the animation and doesn’t attempt to mimic the voice or cadence of the photo’s subject. You have to attach an audio file to the photo, so a talking portrait of a distant relative is out of the question. You can, however, annotate that photo to give it some sparkle.

GoodTrust is aware that users will experiment with “both the sentimental and entertainment value” of the service and expects it to be used to create unique slideshows or “the ultimate greeting cards”.

Story Portraits uses AI to bring photos of loved ones to life.
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