The key principles of my Zero Waste hair care routine in 2024

The key principles of my Zero Waste hair care routine in 2024

HomeHow to, Other ContentThe key principles of my Zero Waste hair care routine in 2024

Have you ever looked at the ingredients list of your latest hair styling product? And have you understood everything and do you now know exactly what you put on your head every day? I bet the answer is 'no'. We willingly decide to overload our largest organ, the skin, with chemicals and all kinds of nasty things when it is absolutely not necessary. Keep reading to see what all-natural, zero-waste hair care looks like!

🌾 My sustainable and Zero Waste hair care routine 🍎 One year of "No Poo" 🌾 Dream #27

The skin absorbs everything you put on it. So why would we put something on one of your organs that we would never put on or in any other organ in our body?

Two years ago I decided to only put things on and in my body that I wanted to eat. That meant that every time I finished a product, I looked for a chemical- and plastic-free, natural, vegan version of it. If I couldn't find anything, I would make it myself!

When I recently started a minimalist lifestyle, I questioned everything: did I really need conditioner or expensive hair masks? What makes the most sense for my hair? Which natural products are good for my special hair type and which are not?

The key principles of my Zero Waste hair care routine in 2024.
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